Treating Torticollis (cervical dystonia)

Cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a neurological disorder characterised by involuntary and sustained muscle contractions in the neck.
These contractions can lead to abnormal movements and unusual postures of the head and neck, causing significant pain and discomfort for those affected. Cervical dystonia can occur at any age, but it is more common in adults and tends to be chronic if not properly managed.

Symptoms of cervical dystonia include:

  • Rotation of the head to one side (torticollis)
  • Tilt of the head forward (anterocollis) or backward (retrocollis)
  • Head tremors
  • Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders

According to Western medicine, the exact causes of this disorder are still not well understood. Doctors consider genetic factors, trauma, or side effects of certain medications.

Dien Chan, an original method of facial reflexology, offers a natural and holistic approach to relieve pain and release tensions caused by cervical dystonia. By stimulating specific reflex points on the face, we can help the body regain energetic balance and reduce involuntary muscle contractions.

  • Objective: reduce stress, often associated with cervical dystonia.
  • Technique: stimulate the zones of bqc·points 124· 34· 26· and 8· using the Little-hammer nº128.
  • Perform about fifty light taps with the rubber tip. Repeat this step whenever symptoms arise.
  • Objective: relax the neck muscles.
  • Technique: use the Double yang ball nº411 (or the Double mini yin roller nº308 for a thinner neck).
  • Gently roll the neck for about 2 minutes. Check with the person if the sensation is pleasant, then continue for an additional 4 minutes if necessary.
  • Objective: inform the brain to focus on the neck.
  • Technique: use the yin roller of the Yin-yang roller nº206.
  • Perform about fifty gentle back-and-forth movements between the eyebrows. Then roll between the top of the ear and the end of the left eyebrow, and repeat on the right temple. This technique helps to disperse accumulated tensions in the neck and corresponds to important reflex zones according to the reflex diagram of Mr Yang and Rodin.
  • Objective: personalise the treatment according to the specific needs of the person.
  • Technique: create a constellation of bqc·points.
  • Recommended points: 156· 159· 87· 365· 163· 50· 290· 100· 65· 564·.
  • Test these points using the Detector nº101. If you are a beginner, use the Little-hammer nº128 for optimal comfort.

Hydration: Ensure that the person drinks enough water throughout the day to avoid muscle tension.

Relaxation Exercises: Encourage regular practice of yoga (Pilates, etc.) to reduce stress and improve muscle flexibility.

Posture: Advise maintaining good posture daily and avoiding prolonged positions that could exacerbate muscle tension.

Self-care: Suggest acquiring the multireflex tool that has provided the most relief, usually the Yin-yang roller nº206 or the Little-hammer nº128, to continue self-care treatment.

By incorporating this Dien Chan care plan into your sessions, you will help your clients relieve symptoms of cervical dystonia and improve their quality of life in a natural and holistic manner.

To go even further, we recommend training with Dien Chan experts. By following their advice and teachings, you can master the techniques more thoroughly and offer even more effective care to your clients.

We hope this information is helpful and invite you to subscribe for free to our channel at There, you will regularly find videos to help you master the various Dien Chan techniques and refine your skills.

— Dienchanly yours —

Eczéma and other skin disorders

We offer you this article in response to one of our readers who questions us about her eczema.
When we talk about eczema, we think of skin disorders. However, skin disorders prompt us to revisit notions of Western medicine that link skin diseases to the nervous system. Therefore, we seek to establish the balance of the skin in Dien Chan and to determine the appropriate yin or yang effect.
On the other hand, Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that the Metal element encompasses the energies of the Lung Meridian and the Large Intestine Meridian.
In Dien Chan, we can combine these two approaches which clearly prove that this method is not a variant of TCM.
We must therefore draw from the knowledge of all medicines for all our care plans.

Let’s proceed step by step and try to inspire you to help you:

Regarding the nervous system, we are fortunate to be able to benefit from the extraordinary discovery of Professor Bùi Quôc Châu when he was treating drug addicts suffering from terrifying withdrawal symptoms.

1| For our first step

We will treat the general condition using the Little-hammer nº128 to stimulate the bqc·points 124· 34· and 103·.

Hammer about fifty times on each point.

— If the person mentions fatigue, we will add the bqc·points 1· and 300+ (the one on the right).

Here, we might think that we are dealing with a yin manifestation of the disorder. But we will check it a little later.

— Conversely, if they express an excess of heat or chest oppression, it will be better to add the bqc·points 59· and 0·. In this case, we are dealing with an excess of yang.

2| The facial step on the Dien Chan diagrams 

You also mention digestion disorders. This could result from a dysfunction in the circulation of Metal energy. Therefore, the Lung and Large Intestine meridians are important to consider. Moreover, it is again the Metal element that is involved in skin conditions.

To choose our multireflex tool with the most appropriate effect to work on the reflex diagrams, we will first corroborate the hypothesis of the first step:

To check if the syndrome is more yin or yang, we can ask the following question:

— If pain, itching, etc., are relieved in the shower by cold water; this suggests an excess of heat. The disorder is therefore yang.

And we can confirm this first hypothesis by testing the response of bqc·point 143·, which is located under the nose between the nostrils.

If bqc·point 143· is very sensitive to the Detector nº101, this indeed indicates an excess of internal heat. Bqc·point 143· has the effect of cooling the inside of the body.

›› This yang situation invites us to treat in a yin way using the Double mini yang roller nº308 to achieve the best result.

With an elegant and light gesture, let’s work on the cheekbones which are the reflex zone of the lungs. About fifty back-and-forth movements on each cheekbone will be necessary.

— Conversely, if it is warm water that relieves and bqc·point 127· is the most sensitive, this indicates a yin context. Stimulation of bqc·point 127· allows us to warm the interior, and we will then choose the Double mini yin ball nº307 to stimulate the reflex zones of the lungs and large intestine.

3| The consolidation

We will then reinforce our previous actions using a formula of bqc·points.

This is only a suggestion to inspire you. Indeed, it is important to understand that each treatment must be personalized and that there is no “magic” formula that works for all cases.

We must learn to adapt and complement our care based on the information provided by the patient.

We will also need to give a yin or yang meaning to the bqc·point formula we compose. Unable to provide a comprehensive course in these lines, here is a proposal.

342· 125· 364· 3· 61· 132· 133· 38· 233· 17· 156· 87·

›› When itching is felt: 17· 51·

📌 Note: With the Faceasit app, you have the ability to easily find all bqc·points and create personalized cards. Please consult the folder and videos on

Une formule de points·bqc inspirante et la Double miniboule yang nº308 et le Double minirouleaux yin nº308.

4| The prescription

The therapist can then recommend the use of the multireflex tool determined by the second step so that the person can continue their treatment at home.

The next session will be even more effective and will allow the professional to refine the diagnosis and therefore the treatment.

It goes without saying that diet should also be monitored. Fats are good and important; the poison is sugar!

You can acquire each multireflex tool individually in the DienShop or the entire set at a discounted rate using the button below.

The Detector~bqc·point stimulator nº101, the Double mini yang ball nº307, and the Double mini yin roller nº308.

Relieving ankylosing spondylitis with Dien Chan: a holistic approach

In Dien Chan, every condition is approached holistically, considering the individual as a whole. In this article, we propose an approach to treating ankylosing spondylitis, a debilitating condition often affecting the back and joints. We discuss some fundamental principles of Dien Chan, offering valuable advice for calming symptoms and improving the quality of life for those with this chronic condition.

Let’s develop together a method that, hopefully, will inspire you to achieve effective and lasting relief.

I remind you that using only the name of a pathology, borrowed from Western medicine, can be limiting and sometimes even harmful. Indeed, simply naming a disease does not truly help us if we are not doctors, as we do not know all aspects and implications of this pathology.

It is much more relevant to detail the symptoms suffered by the individual in order to be able to address them one by one. By noting improvements at each stage, we can have more certainty and confirm the choices made to undertake treatment.

Having no medical authority and regarding ankylosing spondylitis, I first sought a definition. Using a precise medical term without understanding its implications can be risky.

Concise definition: Ankylosing spondylitis is a group of chronic inflammatory diseases that primarily affect the joints of the spine and the sacroiliac joints (located in the lower back). It includes several forms, including ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and spondylitis associated with inflammatory bowel diseases.

So, we will propose a care plan that, although we are not in front of the person, I hope will inspire you.

1| General state

Treating inflammation is crucial and should be integrated into the care plan. However, for this first step, it is important to address the level of stress, fatigue, or emotional state of the individual. Before moving directly to the local step to relieve symptoms, we need to focus on the general state of the person.

It is highly relevant to address the nervous system, even if the person is not explicitly complaining of excessive stress. This will help to calm the brain, making it more receptive to subsequent treatments. [Stress management in this file]

However, if your client is suffering from significant fatigue, it would be more beneficial to energize their Qi. Take advantage of the massage table session to use the Double yang ball nº410 on the back, moving from the lumbar area to the neck. It is also beneficial to accompany each movement on the back with a hairdryer, so that the warm air assists our yang work.

This technique helps to relax the muscles and improve circulation, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the treatment.

2| Bodily step

To choose the most appropriate multireflex tool, it is essential to experiment with different instruments, as inflammation does not always manifest as a hot (yang) expression of the condition. This step allows for the selection of the tool that provides the most relief based on individual needs.

It may be tempting to think that a yin tool will be necessary to reduce inflammation, but it is crucial to test both yin and yang tools. Question your client before and during use to establish which sensation suits them best.

During the back-and-forth movements on the painful area, ask the person to describe their sensations. By noting the level of improvement, you can refine your choice and determine the most appropriate multireflex tool at that time.

Let’s remember that each case is unique, and it is impossible to know in advance which tool will be most effective. It is in this type of reasoning that the “Tuy” of Dien Chan resides. Those who have not yet had the opportunity to train with a certified teacher from ISMDC should not panic.

The “Tuy” is a holistic approach that prevents us from mechanically applying pre-established protocols. In a context where artificial intelligences are taking up more and more space, it is essential to develop our creativity. Everything relies on “self-confidence,” seasoned with “Tuy,” without confusing this with arrogance. This is what we have been teaching since 2002 at ISMDC through our training and publications.

Given that ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic condition, it can deplete the body’s overall energy. It’s natural to want to invigorate yang energy, but due to the taxing nature of the disease, it’s crucial not to overstimulate yang, which could exacerbate the pain.

Therefore, it’s preferable to promote a balanced approach without overburdening already inflamed areas. A gentle, yet yang, technique like moxibustion can be beneficial if used with caution. Moxibustion in Dien Chan involves performing delicate, yet precise sweeps with moxa sticks.

[in French] We offer a dedicated eBook on this technique, accompanied by a video demonstrating the proper gestures. [presentation article here]

Take advantage of the bodily step to stimulate the energy of the Bladder meridian, which runs along the spine and legs. This meridian is often involved in joint pain and improves circulation while strengthening kidney energy.

If tolerable, the use of the Big-hammer nº430 is ideal. Follow the meridian pathway from the ankle along the leg, then from the buttocks to the neck by exerting very light percussion. This bodily step requires great delicacy and observational skills. Each person reacts differently, so it is important to monitor the body’s responses and adjust the treatment accordingly.

3| Facial reflex step

After alleviating the initial pains during the bodily step, we will continue the Dien Chan care by working on facial reflex diagrams. To do this, we will employ the technique that has yielded the best results in terms of comfort, but with a smaller multireflex tool.

If the Double yang ball nº410 has been the most effective in relieving pain, we can use the small spike ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206. Start with the diagram that seems most suitable and don’t hesitate to change if no positive reaction is observed.

For this type of condition, we often first think of Mr. Yang’s diagram (the red figure) and replicate what we have done on the body, but this time on the face. To do this, make back-and-forth movements with the small yang ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206 starting from the chin (the feet of the red figure) and moving up along his leg following the nasolabial fold. Then, start from the tip of the nose moving towards the glabella to follow his back.

However, do not limit yourself to just this diagram. It is important to test other representations of the back on different diagrams. For example, the “Jockey” diagram (the figure entirely located on the scalp) can be explored using the Little-hammer nº128 or the Comet nº133 (large detector).

As always, between each stimulation, ask the necessary questions to assess the improvement felt. For this type of pathology, it can be challenging to gather results at each step. However, if the person finds the treatment pleasant, it confirms that we are on the right track.

4| Consolidation step

To obtain an appropriate and completely personalized formula, we must first compose a constellation integrating many concepts. It’s difficult to enumerate them all here, but our dedicated eBook on joint disorders contains a multitude of ideas to enrich your management. Let’s review what we’ve seen previously. It involves using bqc·points that act on the involved body area, as well as those that stimulate the energy of the meridians.

I remind you that a constellation is not a definitive formula but a set of bqc·points related to what we want to treat. We will try them out and only retain the most sensitive points. This result will constitute the definitive formula in Dien Chan.

Use the identified bqc·points for their effects on specific body areas and for the stimulation of the involved meridians. Test each point of this constellation and note the person’s responses. The points that show increased sensitivity or provide noticeable relief will be retained to compose the definitive formula.

By consolidating the results of previous steps and adjusting based on observed reactions, we ensure optimal and tailor-made care for each patient.

This method guarantees that the treatment is personalized and adapted to the specific needs of each individual.

Regarding the back in general: 43· 45· 1· 106· 103· 126· 560· 281· 284· 274·

Joint pain: 37· 16· 61· 50· 41· 156· 288· 38· 561·

Bladder meridian: 85· 21· 191· This meridian runs along the spine and legs, helping to relieve back and joint pain, improve circulation, and strengthen the kidneys, which are often involved in chronic diseases.

Kidney meridian: 17· 45· 85· 73· 300· 0· The kidneys govern the bones and marrow and are often involved in chronic diseases and joint pain.

Liver meridian: 254· 50· 195· The liver regulates the circulation of blood and Qi. It is often involved in inflammatory conditions and in regulating emotions, which can exacerbate pain.

Spleen meridian: 343· 37· 180· The spleen transforms and transports fluids and energy and plays an important role in maintaining the health of soft tissues and joints.

Stomach meridian: 39· 405· The stomach and spleen work together to nourish muscles and tissues, and these points help improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

Here is the final constellation after removing duplicates:

1· 0· 16· 17· 21· 37· 38· 39· 41· 43· 45· 50· 61· 73· 85· 103· 106· 126· 156· 180· 191· 195· 254· 274· 281· 284· 288· 300· 343· 405· 560· 561·

In practice, you should not construct such a large constellation, as you will be inspired by the results gathered during the previous steps.

However, since we are not in the presence of the person, we want to offer you a constellation rich in ideas. The successes achieved during the previous steps will guide you in selecting the points that will provide the most relief and improvement.

This constellation provides you with a wide range of bqc·points to test. By selecting the most sensitive bqc·points, you can refine it to obtain a personalized and optimized formula. This is the best way to express all your talent and to precisely address the condition being treated.

We advise you not to have a formula that is too long, and know that around fifteen bqc·points will be more than enough. Try to order them in a yang manner, starting with the one located lowest on the face and ending with the bqc·point situated towards the forehead.

Feel free to apply small heating patches to the most sensitive points after activating your formula. This is an excellent way to deeply treat chronic conditions. The heating action of the patches allows for gentle yet long-lasting stimulation, and your client can fully benefit from all the advantageous effects of the treatment because —unlike balms— heating patches do not cause cooling of the point by evaporating.

5| Prescription

In addition to the treatment provided during sessions, it is recommended to perform certain exercises at home to reaffirm the effects of the treatment, revitalize the vital energy, and maximize the benefits for the next appointment.

If the use of the Double yang ball nº410 provided significant relief, advise the person to roll the sore body parts every day. This will help maintain the dynamics of blood and lymphatic circulation, thus promoting recovery.

However, if it’s the yin effect that has offered the most satisfaction, it indicates that muscle tension requires specific attention. In this case, encourage the individual to roll the affected extremities with the Double yin ball nº411. Then, recommend regular muscle relaxation exercises to release accumulated tension and promote overall well-being.

If the facial care on the reflex diagram has been particularly effective, recommend the most suitable multireflex tool for their case. In general, the Yin-yang roller nº206 or the Little-hammer nº128 are excellent choices to maintain energy balance and prolong the beneficial effects of the treatment between sessions.

Take a few minutes to show them how to work on the reflex zones without damaging the skin and emphasize the elegance of the gesture so that they understand the importance of mindfulness in care.

Without giving them a lesson, indicate on a single reflex diagram the area to work on and specify that about fifty back-and-forth movements per zone are sufficient whenever pain is felt.

By practicing these exercises regularly at home, the individual can maximize the results of the treatment and contribute to their overall well-being.

In conclusion, Dien Chan offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to treating ankylosing spondylitis and other similar conditions.

By combining body and facial stimulation techniques with multireflex tools and simple home exercises, it is possible to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being.

With regular practice and appropriate support, individuals suffering from ankylosing spondylitis can regain increased comfort and a better quality of life.

4 protocols of Chan❜beauté

Chan❜beauté introduces you to exceptional comprehensive care that appeals to both beauty professionals and self-care enthusiasts for its overall anti-aging effectiveness combining sensory experience and well-being.
Our protocols perfectly embody the spirit of excellence of the International School of Multireflexology – Dien Chan (ISMDC). Our latest advances dedicated to health and well-being, benefiting from extensive experience since 2002, are offered to you to fuel your inspiration and guide you to become the architect of your care.

Developed by the facial experts of our research team, Chan❜beauté protocols are truly enviable achievements, as they restore the dynamic balance between the layers of the skin.
You can even apply these tips before any cosmetic product to fully benefit from their active ingredients.

Our Chan❜beauté expert, John-Jairo, offers you this video so you can appreciate the gestures of each of the protocols in the article. Use the video description on YouTube to quickly access each chapter.

Here are 4 protocols from Chan❜beauté to perform with a single set of multireflex tools offered at the bottom of the page.
These treatments have shown an ability to enhance the major signs of youth and luminosity of the skin.
Including among others:

  • Blurring wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Boosting and plumping.
  • Improving skin elasticity and density: lifting effect.
  • Regulating skin texture and pores.
  • Restoring facial brightness and glow.

1a| Using Yin-yang roller nº207, start by delicately following the eyebrow arch from the glabella (between the eyebrows) towards the left temple. Repeat about twenty times, then repeat the exercise on the right eyebrow arch.

Its concave shape perfectly contours the eyes and the face. Its natural horn roller allows for a deep and precise energising massage of the curves for an optimal result.

1b| Next, use the minibrush from the Beauty-brush nº252 to massage the area of ​​the dark circles by describing about ten small commas under each eye. Do not pull the skin, which is generally very thin under the eyes.

🚩 The yang effect of these first two steps invigorates circulation by giving movement to internal flows to bring nutrients to the surface.

We must finalize the protocol by distributing its nutrients. It is the yin effects of our instruments that have this exceptional power to naturally optimize water flows and encourage intrinsic collagen production.

2a| Using the yin mini-rake of tool nº219, comb the left eyebrow arch from the glabella towards the temple. After about fifteen movements, repeat this massage above the right eye, trying to lift the eyebrow as much as possible.

2b| Finally, with the golden roller of multireflex tool nº219, start from the inner corner of the eye and slide over the dark circle to the temple to distribute the nutrients mobilized by the previous step.

Repeat the movement about ten times, then move to the other eye.

3| If you suffer from eye tension or if you wish to enjoy a totally unprecedented luxurious sensory experience that no cream with pseudo-magical ingredients can equal…
Then, take advantage of the breathtaking effects of the golden sphere of multireflex tool nº207. Simply roll it gently over the closed eyelid. No need to say more, your feeling will speak for itself!

The wonders of Chan❜beauté to combat wrinkles lie in the art of preparing the skin by invigorating cellular respiration to then extend its vigor and visibly improve skin regeneration.

— Laura Fernandez Ozorco — Valladolid, Spain.

Objectives: enhance facial volumes and blur wrinkles by reviving skin vitality, firming its density, and toning the antagonist micromuscles responsible for wrinkles.

1| Start by massaging the left temple with the minibrush from Beauty-brush nº252. This involves making delicate half-circle movements. We call this gesture in our jargon “kneading the wrinkle,” because the yang effect produced by these movements brings essential nutrients to the epidermis that stagnate in the hypodermis.
This massage should cover the entire temple and should not last more than a minute.

2| Nutrient distribution is achieved by using the golden cylinder of Beauty-bush nº252. Its refreshing yin effect promotes distribution and increases the skin’s natural hydration.

As traditional Chinese medicine indicates, the yin interventions following yang stimulation restore the dynamic balance of the flows in the worked area.


💎 Before repeating this ritual on the right temple, observe the difference to fully appreciate the incredible benefits of Chan❜beauté. You will then realize that applying products without prior preparation of the skin’s terrain aims only to sell hydrating consumables 🧐.
However, to fully exploit their active ingredients, it is important to beforehand invigorate the blood and lymphatic microcirculation. Thus, you enhance the penetration rate to consume less and of better quality.

3| To perfect this beauty ritual in a sumptuously new way, let yourself be carried away by an unprecedented sensory experience. Enjoy the incredible effect of the golden sphere of our multireflex tool nº207. Simply glide it gently over your closed eyelid.
No words can do justice to this unique sensation; your own feeling will testify to its splendor.

If you aim to enhance the effects of your treatments, learn how to stimulate the bqc·points. These are our Dien Chan formulas that will help you consolidate and perpetuate the results obtained between each session.

Our articles and videos unveil very effective self-care protocols, but do not forget the importance of training if you wish to integrate them into your professional practice.

You will discover many techniques to become a true “care designer,” that is, a creator of personalized treatments. We are here to support you and encourage your talent, often hindered by a lack of self-confidence that prevents you from experiencing a creative adventure and infusing each treatment with your unique signature.

The principle remains constant for all wrinkles, and our professional aestheticians practicing Chan❜beauté to counter the signs of aging know it well: prepare the skin to revive cellular respiration and extend its vigor.

Our goal is to plump the marked areas of the face and diminish their wrinkles by regenerating skin vitality, improving its density, and strengthening the guilty antagonist micromuscles.
The overall anti-aging effectiveness of Chan❜beauté protocols quickly manifests through their ability to hydrate and tone the skin.

1a| Start by gently massaging the glabella where the frown lines are located with the minibrush from Beauty-brush nº252. Describe about twenty pleasant small circles.

1b| With the same minibrush, then perform fifteen sweeps from the left wrinkle towards the left eyebrow, then repeat by massaging the right wrinkle towards the right eyebrow.

2| Now that the antagonist muscles have been awakened, we promote balance with the yin effect of the smooth roller of the same instrument. Gently roll its golden cylinder vertically between the eyebrows.

Perform about fifty back-and-forth movements to maximize the yin effect, which distributes the nutrients mobilized during the yang phase. These nutrients help dissipate tensions responsible for wrinkle formation.

Skin sagging is your major concern, and reshaping the contour of your face is essential.

Our goal is to promote cellular respiration to strengthen your skin’s tone, thus reducing the visible signs of aging that gently caress us.
Your skin regains firmness, density, and elasticity, thus redefining the oval of your face.
This protocol can be effortlessly integrated into your existing routine. It allows you to fully enjoy its remarkable effects without extending the usual duration.

1-a| For this situation, our objective is to revitalize facial muscles using a yang instrument. For this purpose, the concave roller of multireflex tool nº207 is highly recommended.

Start by following the left contour of your face from the chin to the earlobe, exerting about thirty brisk back-and-forth movements. The experience should be stimulating while remaining comfortable.
Then repeat this invigorating experience on the right side.

1-b| Again, use concave roller nº207 to firm your cheekbones. Note that the ergonomic shape of the instrument perfectly adjusts to the curves of your face, allowing you to perform a series of thirty back-and-forth movements following the natural relief of the zygomatic bone.

Start with the left cheekbone before moving to the right cheekbone.

2| Now that we have toned the areas prone to sagging, it’s time to anchor this positive result.

To crystallize this lively balance, we will combine the freshness of the yin effect of brass rollers with a yang dynamic.
Perform delightful micropinches on your face by clashing smooth sphere nº207 and smooth roller of Beauty-brush nº252.
Repeat this action on all the areas worked on during the previous steps, aiming for about thirty pressures per side of the face.

Note that by using two smooth spheres from multireflex tool nº207 and positioning oneself behind the client, the professional will achieve even more remarkable results.

To conclude this natural beauty ritual in a truly sumptuous manner, offer your client an unprecedented sensory experience.
Give her the stunning effect of the golden sphere by gently sliding it over her closed eyelids.

In conclusion, these targeted treatments are a true revelation for revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin with ease. Through the judicious use of only three multireflex tools, you can open and decongest the gaze, reduce crow’s feet wrinkles, smooth frown lines, and achieve a natural lifting effect.

These protocols, tailored to each specific need, allow for an effective holistic approach to regain a rejuvenated and radiant appearance. Whether you are a beauty professional or a self-care enthusiast, these simple yet powerful techniques will grant you remarkable results.

Explore these suggestions and incorporate these valuable rituals into your daily routine. With multireflex tools at your fingertips, you can indulge in a reliable and luxurious natural beauty experience to transform your skin and reveal all its youthfulness and vitality.

Local pain syndrome – Algodystrophy

Algodystrophy is often triggered by trauma or surgical intervention. Sometimes, prolonged immobilisation can also be the cause. However, we encounter many high-level athletes suffering from this syndrome, as well as patients who have undergone either overly aggressive or, conversely, too lax physiotherapy.

Western medicine categorises it into three phases (hot, cold, and disabling) and offers diagnoses that may be interesting to interpret through Dien Chan gestures.

However, the suggested solutions remain unclear and often ineffective as they do not consider the individual as a whole. Worse still, these medical solutions are likely to exacerbate the condition by masking the pain with cryotherapy or subcutaneous calcitonin injections. Not to mention those who prescribe anxiolytics to hide the distress.

After having hurt you, they then advise gentle physical activity, which should have been the starting point. This is known as “matar moscas a cañonazo” in Spanish, which translates to “killing flies with a cannon”… Make of that what you will!

Let’s return to our much less invasive practices.

As with fibromyalgia, our initial focus will be on the general state of the consultant. We will therefore be concerned with their level of anxiety, fear, or anguish regarding their condition. While we naturally aim to relieve their pain, if we don’t pay attention to the emotional assessment, we risk not achieving the best results.

It’s common to find that the patient believes their pain will never go away and that it will worsen, ultimately limiting their actions. This is understandable.

It’s essential to discern the blocked emotion to understand the involved organ. We refer to knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine.

1| General state

For this initial step in our Dien Chan treatment plan, we will invite the consultant to engage in dialogue; to share the story of their pain while treating the reflex zones of the organs related to the relevant TCM element.

— The article “Regulate the Emotional Sphere” revisits all these concepts:

— The article on “Fibromyalgia” is on the blog and should also inspire you:

2| Body step

When pain is felt as cold, or when the patient reports that hot water relieves them, we must understand that a yang stimulation is needed.

However, this should always be verified, as it can change from one session to another.

Using a suitable yang multireflex tool for the area being treated, we perform delicate back-and-forth movements for at least 4 minutes. Ask after the first minute if the sensation is pleasant.

— If it’s not the case, test the same area with an opposite-effect tool › yin in this case.

— If the sensation is pleasant, check after a few minutes if the person feels relief.

Don’t waste time noting the pain!
Focus solely on improvement.
* To better understand the yin and yang effects of multireflex tools, consult the comprehensive guide:

It’s unnecessary to state that if the pain is in the “hot” phase, we will choose a yin-effect tool. However, it’s still good to specify that only yin multireflex tools allow you to intervene without heating while boosting blood and lymphatic microcirculation.

Their soft metal miniprong rollers, brass cylinders, and stainless steel rakes make your work dispersing, refreshing, and promote internal moisture!

Because no manual massage or use of plastic or electric devices can interact without heating, it’s easier to understand why the medical industry is interested in cryogenics. Not only is it commercially profitable, but it’s also absurd and counterproductive. Excessive cold can end up burning, as excess yin becomes yang.

For a hot pain, we aim to cool down, but we must first encourage vital flows to combat existing blockages. Only cold fosters internal atony.

Sometimes we can’t always intervene on the affected limb. The surface being too sensitive, we must revisit some of the 8 Dien Chan principles.

  • Around the pain, above/below,
  • Horizontal or vertical symmetry,
  • And of course, shape similarity.

When dealing with a foot, we’ll think of the other foot or hands, and so on.

For this type of treatment, we usually choose either the Double mini yang ball nº307 or the Double mini yin roller nº308, which are the two most suitable tools for body extremities.

This second step is crucial and helps us reveal the yin or yang state of the syndrome. It also helps us establish connections using the shape similarity principle.

3| Facial step

During the second local step, we will choose a tool with the same effect. We also note the correspondences obtained through the principles (those that yielded good results) because we will transpose them onto our reflex diagrams.

If a yang effect is appropriate, we opt for a multireflex tool equipped with a small spike ball.

We prefer natural horn for its biological antiseptic properties which—unlike plastic—is respectful of the skin’s microbiota.

The Yin-yang roller nº206 or the Spike ball detector nº103 are perfectly suited for the facial regions to work on.

Choose an initial Dien Chan reflex diagram to stimulate the reflex zone corresponding to the concerned extremity.

For instance, if we select the extremities reflex diagram on the face, we notice that the red man’s hands lie on the temples; his feet project onto the chin.

We will then perform around fifty back-and-forth movements on the area with the tool.

However, we won’t forget to similarly treat the reflex zones related to the surfaces we’ve worked on following the Dien Chan principles.

In other words, if we’ve managed to relieve localized pain in one hand by rolling over the other hand, we will apply this symmetry principle to the other temple. But we will also consider the feet since, by shape similarity, we might achieve good results.
This prompts us to work on the chin since this same diagram indicates that on this part of the face, the feet are located.

4| Consolidate the treatment.

Those who have studied Dien Chan can enhance their treatment by supplementing it with a bqc·points formula.

We can’t apply just one “magic” formula. We need to select the bqc·points that have an effect on the implicated extremity and enrich it with bqc·points that promote blood circulation.

It will also be very beneficial to check which energy meridian passes through the painful area to ensure we don’t forget to integrate its points·bqc into our formula.

To illustrate this reasoning and help you build a personalized treatment, here’s a video showing you how to use the Faceasit❜clinic app to combine the various ideas deduced during the session.

▸ Subscribe to the channel, and we look forward to your comments, to which we will gladly respond.

◾︎ The app is called Faceasit, and its three versions are available on the AppStore for your iPad directly via this link:
To learn more about this incredible support app and understand how it has become an endless source of inspiration for all students of the International School of Multireflexology – Dien Chan (ISMDC):

5| Our “prescription

As explained in the video, you can share a treatment diagram with your patient to indicate the reflex zones they should work on at home.

By recommending one or two multireflex tools, the individual continues their foundational treatment between sessions.

They will return with energized flow, allowing you to deepen your treatment and achieve more precision to reveal the origin of the issue.

Instead of the point detector, it’s preferable to recommend a multireflex tool that has proven its efficacy during the session.

The kitreflex for self-care

The Double mini yang ball nº307 and the Little-hammer nº128.
It's highly recommended to use only genuine multireflex tools to ensure effective and gentle skincare. The instruments from Dien Chan available at are made of natural horn, mimosa wood, and high-quality steels. This allows us to benefit from the natural antiseptic properties of genuine horn which, unlike polluting plastic, does not disrupt the skin's microbiota.

The kitpro for practitioner

The Double mini yang ball nº307, the Double mini yin rake nº308, the Yin rake nº416, and the Comet nº133 for practicing the Reflexdrainage at the end of treatment ( for the Reflexdrainage protocol).

If you don’t have stock, you might be interested in the affiliate program (+info at

You can also direct the person to this article to purchase the kit offered at the bottom of the page or to the catalogue

To learn more about the effects of genuine multireflex tools and how to care for them:

◾︎ Kits accompanied by advice are also available at
◾︎ Training sessions and workshops by Dien Chan experts:

Fibromyalgia and Dien Chan

Fibromyalgia is considered a chronic condition that induces pain throughout the body and intense exhaustion. Although deep fatigue and headaches may also occur, the vast majority of them are mainly localized on soft tissues. We face widespread musculoskeletal suffering and sometimes on specific areas or joints.

It is often reported to us that the first symptoms appear after a traumatic incident that may have caused severe psychological stress. But other patients describe pains that accumulate gradually over time without any particular triggering event.

Before embarking on a heavy and medicated process that will congest our organic filters anyway (liver, kidneys, etc.), it is really worth relieving ourselves daily with natural and non-invasive interventions.

Throughout these years of practicing Dien Chan, we have treated many people suffering from fibromyalgia. Our trainer Javier Felipe, who practices in Navarre, has even participated a lot and helped the association of patients suffering from this condition by achieving surprising effects.

And as we always do at the International School of Multireflexology – Dien Chan (ISMDC), he taught the members of the collective how to continue the care themselves to offer unparalleled long-term support.

Most people suffering from fibromyalgia are women, and we find that in the majority of cases, we achieve better results by treating in a yang manner. So we face yin pains; that is to say: cold, diffuse, heavy, deep, dull…

We will then construct a yang treatment

one that warms, energizes, concentrates, lightens, invigorates…

This immediately prompts us to choose multireflex tools with yang effects equipped with spike balls and to organize our bqc·points formulas from the bottom of the face upwards.

The treatment plan

During each session, we address the person by first establishing a list of present pains. We must ask them to list the five most bothersome ones, starting with the most intense.

This type of diffuse pain tends to shift, so it is essential to classify them in ascending order of suffering; what hurts the most at the moment goes first.

It is interesting to note this list because we will consult it throughout the treatment and find that it is not fixed. But above all, it is important to remind our dear therapists to always address the person’s general state first. Since we are dealing with individuals who are rather fatigued by the tension induced by their pains, it is highly recommended to start with the anti-stress protocol.

Very effective, it allows you to quickly relax the nervous system to prepare the body for the treatment.

General state

1| Begin by calming the person if you feel they are in a stressful situation.

— Use the Yin rake nº416 to gently rake the scalp from the forehead to the nape for at least 4 minutes.

— If you are unfamiliar with the Dien Chan anti-stress protocol, here is its practical sheet:

Body step

2| The local treatment involves treating the affected area with a body tool.

— For large surfaces, prefer the Double yang ball nº410. For medium-sized body or facial areas, use the Double mini yang ball nº307.

— We then begin the treatment by “rolling” locally for at least 4 minutes. The motion should be pleasant and not damage the skin. If you feel that the person is very yin, tired, or experiencing severe internal cold, assist the movements of the tool by following them with a hairdryer. The warm air that accompanies your action penetrates deeply.

Reflex step

3| sing the reflex diagrams of Dien Chan, locate the reflex zones of the previously stimulated body part.

With an elegant gesture, make a hundred back-and-forth movements on each region with the small spike ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206.

— If the surface is larger, choose the Double mini yang ball nº307 to speed up a little.


4| In Dien Chan, we don’t treat for long without checking on the progress of the treatment. We must maintain constant communication with our patient.

— Already after the body step, ask if the pain has evolved. Check if it is still present, reduced, or worse.

— If the result is not satisfactory, check that your movements are sufficiently intense or that you have understood the description given.

— If, on the contrary, your treatment seems to be on the right track, have the list of pains redone and compare it to the first one.

It will be very interesting to notice the evolution of the enumeration. Don’t be surprised if the pain that was in second position in the first list has disappeared or receded.

You will be pleasantly surprised to see that some pains have lost their importance. This is a sign that everything is connected and that we are facing blockages of energy flows.

Consider then the first pain from the new list and resume your treatment plan at the second step: the local treatment.

Consolidation of the treatment

5| After treating two or three pains — and not wanting to prolong the session to avoid an adverse effect — we consolidate the treatment using a formula designed to rebalance the internal organs.

— With your Little-hammer yin-yang nº128 (rubber side = yang), stimulate each bqc·point about fifty times.

127· 87· 17· 63· 50· 41· 37· 1· 103· 300+

Enhance your formula by adding 2 or 3 bqc·points concerning the parts of the body you have treated. It’s as simple as using the Faceasit app, which will quickly provide you with all the assigned points for each anatomy.

✔︎ Give a yang sense to your formula by respecting the order of the bqc·points; from the chin to the forehead. The ‘+’ sign attached to the bqc·point name means “the one on the right” = yang.

Do not hesitate to perform Reflexdrainage to help the body eliminate mobilized toxins.


6| We must assign “homework” to do at home. Assist your patient in choosing the body multireflex tool that they will purchase from you. Teach them how to self-stimulate the painful parts of their body whenever they feel the need.

This is the best way to anchor your treatment over time. It will allow you to make faster progress at the next session. Our fibromyalgia care recipients almost always prefer the Double yang ball nº410. Most of the pains are bodily, muscular, and skeletal. With this multireflex tool, they have the opportunity to roll their legs, arms, and even shoulders.

For the back, they will need to find a generous soul, as the ideal is to lie on the stomach to receive the most comfortable massage.

The “Fibromyalgia” kit consists of the Yin rake nº416 to calm the nervous system, the Double yang ball nº410 to treat the body parts, and the Little-hammer yin-yang nº128 to apply the bqc·points formula.

Here are some useful links to complement this treatment proposal:

+info on yin and yang in Dien Chan
+info on the Reflexdrainage
+info on each of the mentioned tools and also kits combining several instruments
+info on reflex diagrams

These resources will complement the treatment proposal and provide additional support for both therapists and patients dealing with fibromyalgia.

Holistic approach to glaucoma

Glaucome is a progressive eye condition that can damage the optic nerve, often due to high intraocular pressure. The optic nerve is essential for transmitting visual information from the eyeball to the brain. When glaucoma is untreated, it can lead to irreversible vision loss.

Unfortunately, the early stages of glaucoma are often asymptomatic and do not result in significant changes in vision. It is sometimes called the “silent thief of sight,” and as the disease progresses, clues such as blurry vision, halos around lights, headaches, and eye pain may occur. Risk factors for glaucoma development include heredity, advanced age, high intraocular pressure, certain medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

Western medicine offers various treatments for glaucoma, some of which inspire us in the development of our Dien Chan protocol. For example, eye drops and orally taken medications are commonly prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure. These treatments work by promoting drainage of fluid inside the eye or by decreasing its production. Furthermore, surgery is often recommended to improve drainage of intraocular fluid. In the most severe cases of glaucoma, a device may even be implanted to limit pressure in the eye.

We consider these Western approaches as sources of inspiration to enhance our Dien Chan practice. Thus, we aim to integrate actions that promote drainage and reduce eye tension into our care protocol.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also offers us enriching perspectives to complement the construction of our constellation, from which we will develop a formula tailored to the consulting individual.

According to TCM, the energy of the Wood element plays a crucial role in eye disorders. This leads us to include in our management the treatment of the liver and gallbladder. These organs are considered closely related to eye health.

In parallel with the teachings of Western medicine, we must regularly promote drainage. TCM addresses this action by treating the Earth element, which acts as our “internal sponge.” Thus, we must stimulate the stomach and spleen in a yang manner to encourage effective drainage of fluids in the body.

To achieve a highly yang effect —and if we master this technique— moxibustion would be a perfectly suitable option. It can be applied not only on the abdomen, targeting the spleen and stomach but also on facial reflex zones following the reflex diagram of internal organs.

Next, to facilitate blood circulation and reduce eye pressure, it would be beneficial to stimulate the energy of the kidneys.

Finally, to encourage drainage at the end of treatment, we could work in a yin manner on the urinary system.

By combining the principles of Western medicine and TCM, we are able to create a holistic protocol that addresses both the physiological and energetic aspects of glaucoma, thus allowing for a comprehensive and personalized approach.

Dien Chan, on the other hand, offers a multitude of bqc·points directly related to the eyes. The expertise of Professor Bùi Quôc Châu, forged after the Vietnam War, was nourished by the observation of numerous patients whose vision had significantly suffered during the conflict.

Some reflex zones are evident through reflex diagrams, such as Madame Yin’s eyes (197· on the blue lady) or the Penfield eye (16· at the junction of the ear with the temple).

However, Professor Châu had observed the incredible effects of certain bqc·points long before the discovery of reflex diagrams. For example, he called bqc·point 6· “the pearl” and explained to me that practically all bqc·points located vertically above the pupil have an impact on the eyes. Indeed, bqc·point 50· (the liver point) is aligned vertically with the center of the eye.

Gloria Brunsborroe uses Faceasit to construct her constellations.

Fascinating, isn’t it?

Thus, we will orchestrate our constellation by gathering all this information. Then, we can test them on our client and only retain the most sensitive points to establish the final formula.

This approach will allow us to individualize the care according to the specific needs of each soul, while leveraging the accumulated expertise in Dien Chan.

1| General condition

It goes without saying that before treating glaucoma, we must take into account the general condition of the individual, particularly regarding stress management. Even if your client does not feel obvious stress, using the Yin rake nº416 on the scalp can prove very effective in helping to reduce blood pressure. To do this, you can follow the instructions of the «Anti-stress Protocol» available in the tools folder on

By taking care of the person’s general condition and reducing their stress, we create favorable conditions for the subsequent work.

🇫🇷 video in French but you can appreciate the gesture and activate subtitles. Direct access to the chapter on glaucoma from the description.

2| Body step

If you are proficient in using moxa sticks, the ideal would be to heat the left side of the abdomen (stomach, spleen) with sweeps. If you have not yet taken our training or if you simply want to refresh your memory, we recommend consulting our illustrated booklet accompanied by a video on moxibustion in Dien Chan; available at [in French].

If using moxa intimidates you, an effective alternative is to use the Double yang ball nº410. Roll it at least fifty times on the area of the abdomen corresponding to the spleen and stomach, then repeat the exercise on the back at the same level.

It is also important to consider the reflex diagrams of Dien Chan, which suggest a potential link between the knees and the eyes. Therefore, we must ask the person if they experience knee pain. If so, use the Double mini yang ball nº307 to massage the knees, as it is more suitable for this part of the body than the Double yang ball nº410.

3| Reflex step

For this phase based on reflex diagrams—and as mentioned in the introduction—our objective is to revitalize the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, and urinary system. To do this, we recommend using the small yang ball from the Yin-yang roller nº206. Its natural horn spikes offer gentle yet dynamic stimulation, without causing static electricity, unlike plastic, which disrupts the skin microbiome.

Our first instinct is to turn to the internal organ reflex diagram. However, it is also important not to overlook the internal organ diagram on the forehead, which is equally powerful and capable of producing good results.

By working on this forehead diagram, we have the opportunity to simultaneously target the liver, gallbladder, spleen, and stomach while stimulating bqc·points and living points related to the eyes.

To complete this facial step, we recommend a gentle massage of Mr. Yang’s armpits (the red man) using the minibrush of the Beauty-brush nº252. This technique promotes ocular sanitation both locally and reflexologically. Simply draw small commas upwards to achieve the draining effect.

4| Constellation and formula

As you know, we cannot provide you with a magical formula for treating glaucoma. However, we offer you a constellation from which you can develop the most suitable formula for the case you will face. This is how we personalize the care!

After completing the previous steps to clear and invigorate the body as a whole, we will now move on to the phase of testing the consolidation bqc·points.

This list is a suggestion to illustrate how Dien Chan can be used to create personalized care. However, nothing replaces thorough training during which we delve into the various techniques in detail. We also offer thematic workshops, including one on eye treatment. So, don’t wait for climate change or the Ice Age to learn from the hands of Dien Chan experts!

  • Eyes in Dien Chan: 197· 6· 131· 46· [pink zones] and all the living points you find around the eyes. Ideally, use the Little-hammer nº128 to detect sensitive points above the eyebrows and the Detector nº101 for the others.
  • Cranial nerves related to the eyes: 34· 491· 184· 45· [orange zones]
  • Wood Element (Liver and Gallbladder): 50· 41· 233· [green zones]
  • Earth Element (Spleen and Stomach): 481· 37· 39· 40· [purple zones]
  • Blood pressure regulation: 1· 189· 14· 57· 195· 60·
  • And finally, stimulate the urinary system with bqc·points (17· 85· 87· [blue zones]) and perform a Reflexdrainage.

5| Homework

As always, it will be essential to recommend to your client to continue with regular home maintenance, and in this case, the Little-hammer nº128 is the most suitable multireflex tool.

If you use the Faceasit❜clinic app, you will not only be able to develop the formula in their personal file but also transform into reflex zones (the green zones that light up with the ‘!’ button) the bqc·points that you advise them to stimulate with their Little-hammer. These zones will likely correspond to bqc·points 197· 16· and other points you have identified as sensitive.

In summary, this is what we propose to establish a personalized care plan for glaucoma. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that ongoing management will be necessary as there is no definitive cure. Regular ophthalmological follow-up will be essential to monitor and adjust the care plan as needed.

Dien Chan interventions are recommended to complement and support medical treatment, without ever intending to replace it.

We provide you with an educational booklet dedicated to eye disorders, which is also included in the «Ocular Harmony» and «Precious Gaze» sets».

We hope these recommendations will be useful to you and look forward to your feedback. If you appreciate our content and wish to support us, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to the channel and to attend a training session while purchasing the actual multireflex tools on

We count on your support.
Dienchanly yours,
_patryck aguilar

Regulating mucus production

Excessive mucus secretion can be a source of daily discomfort, affecting not only physical comfort but also quality of life. This sensation of sticky phlegm in the throat and nasal passages can even cause nausea in some individuals and disrupt their usual activities.
Determining the cause of symptoms without a thorough medical examination is always challenging. A common concern in such cases is whether medical history, such as tonsil removal, could be the cause of this issue.

Dien Chan can support medical treatment if it is a specific pathology but does not replace it. It is true that tonsils are part of the immune system and help fight infections. Without them, the body may react differently to pathogens. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consult a physician with field experience or an ENT specialist for a precise diagnosis and health evaluation.

Madam drinks too much milk, but she uses her Comet nº133 to perform the Reflexdrainage every day!

One of the main reasons for overproduction of mucus is often related to the consumption of dairy products 🐮.
It is recommended to eliminate them from your diet for at least a month to see if mucus production decreases. During this period, you can also practice Dien Chan to help liquefy and restrict mucus. Ensure you stay well hydrated and try the «Anti-stress protocol» by including a massage of the stomach reflex zone to relieve potential nausea.

To complement this treatment, consider stimulating certain bqc·points on the face that have the effect of reducing nasal congestion and mucus production.

Finally, for optimal results, conclude the session with Reflex-drainage, which promotes lymphatic circulation, as well as a formula to encourage toxin elimination through the urinary system.

Here is a very general care plan, which should be adapted to each individual involved. It is important to note that all the formulas and lists of points we provide should be considered as constellations from which the practitioner will construct a personalized formula.

1| First step

If excess mucus disrupts the person’s nervous state, it is recommended to start with the «Anti-stress protocol». Refer to our detailed article on the subject at this address

Begin by using the Yin rake nº416 to gently rake the scalp..

To treat this type of disorder, we intervene on the body to stimulate the brain towards the anatomical areas involved. We also aim to promote blood and lymphatic circulation to prevent stagnation.

For this, we recommend gently rolling the person’s back with the Double yang ball nº410, starting from the lower back and moving up to the neck, making at least thirty movements.

Then, with the Big hammer nº430 (yin suction cup side), gently tap the back at chest level. The goal is not to strike hard but to ensure that each percussion results in a deep vibration.
This exercise helps stimulate the inside of the lungs while promoting expectoration.

The multireflex tools of the kit composed of the Yin-yang roller nº206, the Big hammer nº430, and the Double yang ball nº410

💥 Discover how the «Excellence yang» kit can meet your essential needs and explore its detailed description on this page.

3| Reflex step

In general, two possibilities arise:

a) Nausea

If the person complains of nausea or acid reflux, this may indicate dysfunction of the stomach cardia. In this case, we must continue the treatment by targeting the gastric system. By deploying the internal organ reflex diagram on the face, we locate the stomach area on the left cheek. Two opposite situations may arise:

  • If the gastric system is tired, we recommend yang stimulation using the small spike ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206.
  • If, on the contrary, it is overheated, it is preferable to rake the entire stomach reflex zone with the small yin rake of multireflex tool nº219.
b) Slow digestion

If, on the other hand, the person feels weak and mentions heavy or slow digestion, it is necessary to energize their digestive system before treating mucus regulation.

To do this, gently roll the hepatic area on the right cheek and also the spleen and stomach area on the left cheek, using the Double mini yang ball nº307 for increased effectiveness.

The intention is to stimulate their functions, so do not hesitate to massage each cheek for at least one minute. Ensure that the gesture remains elegant and does not cause any damage to the skin; be attentive to every movement.

Energizing the respiratory system

To energize the respiratory system and achieve our goal of facilitating mucus fluidification while strengthening the immune system, we need to combine several approaches.
We will start by invigorating the respiratory system.

To do this, use the small rake of tool nº219 to gently rake the entire lung surface of the face. Start on the cheekbone and progress towards the earlobe, following the natural direction of the skin. This movement will provide a refreshing and hydrating yin effect to the respiratory system, which will help liquefy and reduce mucus production.

To reinforce the “anti-stress” influence of the first step focusing on the general state, we add bqc·points related to the stomach. To ensure your patient’s comfort, preferably use the Little-hammer nº128 to stimulate the following bqc·points: 124· 34· 109· 275· 39· 64· 71·

  • The bqc·points 124· 34· to relax the nervous system.
  • The bqc·points 109· 275· are used to relieve the throat.
  • The bqc·points 39· 64· 71· are dedicated to the stomach. Note that points 64· and 71· can be more effectively stimulated with the large detector of the Comet nº133, by gently sweeping along the junction of the nostril with the cheek.

Note: If the person is experiencing significant fatigue, you can stabilize the effect of the Double Yang Ball nº410 on the back by utilizing a yang formula, as taught in our courses or available on the Faceasit application.

We emphasize that the point lists we share are inspiring constellations from which the therapist can create their own formula tailored to the individual and the situation. Our goal is to encourage you to become the creator of your own care protocols.

Image: Dien Chan’s constellation inspiration

It is important to note that experienced practitioners understand that overly complex formulas may be unnecessary and risk exhausting the patient’s body. Dien Chan is a modern and effective technique because it synthesizes both contemporary solutions and ancestral knowledge.
Those who rely solely on points are not truly practicing the original method and do not grasp the multireflexological dimension of Dien Chan. That’s why it’s essential to consult the files of the most sensitive reflex points to discover unsuspected relationships that could guide you towards interesting avenues to explore during the dialogue with the consultant. By broadening your assessment, you can more quickly identify the origin of the problem. We provide videos on this topic in the form of “shorts” on the channel

  • 31· 52· 132· 360· 565· 125· to stimulate lung energy [pink zones]
  • 6131328– to increase internal lung hydration [pink zones]
  • 37· 132· 254· to stimulate the Spleen meridian, which is involved in the process of transforming body fluids. [purple zones]
  • 127· 38·113· 6· 0· to invigorate the immune system [green zones]
  • 300· 45· 85· 87· to engage the urinary system in elimination. [blue zones]

It is also important to consider the information gathered during the dialogue with the patient to identify other points that may be relevant to their specific condition.

5| Your recommendations

The final step of a well-elaborated care plan aims to encourage the individual to become aware of their active role in managing their condition. To achieve this, we perform a Reflexodrainage while explaining the different steps to the individual. We then suggest either acquiring the Comet nº133 so they can practice this technique at home, or the Yin-yang roller nº206 so they can continue working on the reflex zones of the lungs. By offering them the opportunity to continue treatment at home, we enable them to deepen their self-care until the next session, while providing them with the means to be autonomous in their care approach.

We also encourage you to consult the videos on the Dien Chan experts’ channel to understand the gestures to employ. Subscribe to and share your feedback under the video of your choice.
We are eager to hear about your results!

Looking forward to your feedback,
— Dien Chan experts —

Reduce lipoma & fatty deposits

Welcome to the world of advanced reflexology care!
The «Special Lipomas» kit is truly designed to meet your needs for treating fatty deposits, whether directly on the body or on the face. Whether you’re a practitioner or an esthetician, these tips will also be useful for self-care.

A lipoma is a soft, mobile mass composed of fat that develops slowly under the skin. Although they are generally benign, lipomas can sometimes be bothersome if they are large or located in sensitive areas.

Our comprehensive and holistic approach will enable you to treat lipomas safely and effectively, while offering optimal results for your well-being.

The kit consists of three carefully selected multireflex tools to effectively target lipomas at different stages of the treatment plan. Let’s explore together how they can help you regain a sense of comfort and confidence in your skin. And because a lipoma is generally not harmful to health, we can treat them naturally by following this treatment plan used by our Chan❜beauté professionals.

Although the lipomas you wish to treat can develop anywhere on the body, let’s take the concrete example of a lipoma located on the left arm to facilitate understanding of our explanations. You can then transpose this idea to the relevant anatomical part.

When a person consults for a disorder, whatever it may be, always consider addressing their general condition first. We delve into this first step of the “treatment plan” in many other articles and during training.

1| Start by using the Double yang ball nº410 to roll over all body areas, including the lipoma area if possible. Repeat the exercise on the other arm, making about fifty back-and-forth movements. Keep in mind the principle of Dien Chan symmetry; even if the lipoma is on the left arm in our example, don’t forget to also work on the right arm.

2| Then, use the Beauty ova nº373 to perform gentle sweeps towards the nearest lymph nodes. In our example, make about twenty sweeps towards the armpits without exerting excessive pressure so that the massage is enjoyable. Repeat this operation on the symmetrical limb.

The Beauty ova helps eliminate accumulated toxins and fats, promoting their evacuation through the lymphatic system.

It’s after the body step that we can work on the face by using reflex diagrams as a guide. It’s not always easy to prioritize one reflex diagram knowing that there’s no better one than others.

For our example of the lipoma located in the middle of the arm at the level of the anterior branchial, we will start with the reflex diagram of the Red man which represents the extremities on the face. You’ll notice that his arms run along the eyebrows.

1| With the little yang spike ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206, let’s start by rolling from the glabella (between the eyebrows) towards the temple. Make about fifty back-and-forth movements, making sure to follow the left eyebrow arch just above the eyebrow. Repeat the exercise on the right arch.

If you have deeper knowledge in Dien Chan, you can try to locate more precisely the facial reflection of the lipoma using a detector. In this case, it is preferable to use the large detector of the Comet nº133 to perform precise sweeps along the eyebrow arch to detect a more sensitive point along the way.

2| Then, and to reflexively renew the lymphatic work, we use the yin effect of the same Yin-yang roller nº206 from the temple towards the glabella.
Its roller equipped with soft miniprongs allows us to promote moisture and circulation to push fats towards the lymph nodes of the Red man.

3| Let’s take again the little yang spike ball of the Yin-yang roller nº206 to stimulate about thirty times on the hepatic reflex zone on the right cheek. By stimulating the liver and gallbladder, you encourage your body to eliminate fats.

This step is mainly for those who have studied Dien Chan seriously. It consists of creating a constellation of bqc·points from which we select the most sensitive ones.

This allows us to personalize our treatment at each session and to become the architect of our own protocol.

1| You’ll notice that the constellation proposed here includes bqc·points related to previous steps. So, we’ll use bqc·points for the arm, the hepatic system, as well as knowledge in TCM indicating the involvement of the Earth element.

Indeed, our goal is to improve the body’s absorption capacity to prevent damp stagnation that can lead to the formation of lipomas.
Our proposal is to test the following bqc·points with the thin Detector nº101 to keep only the most sensitive ones:

  • Hepatic system: 50· 41· 233· [green zones]
  • Reduce moisture: 3+ 5+ 132· [blue triangles]
  • Earth element: 39· 481· 37· 40· 437· [brown zones]

›› Complete with bqc·points related to the concerned body part. For our example of the arm, we’ll keep 324· 99· [purple triangles] and the live points found during the sweep of the eyebrow arch using the large Comet Detector nº133.

2| Regarding the lymphatic system, we advise practicing Reflexdrainage at the end of the session and following the instructions on the page
This 6-step facial massage is extremely powerful in helping the body eliminate all the toxins mobilized by previous steps.

Repeat this exercise at least 4 times a week and try to do Reflexdrainage with the Comet nº133 every evening.

During a session, the judicious use of instruments combined with the implementation of the treatment plan steps promotes better energy circulation and facilitates toxin elimination; which contributes to reducing lipomas.
By carefully selecting bqc·points and applying your knowledge, you opt for a natural and non-invasive approach.
And by teaching the appropriate gestures for the body and face while recommending suitable multireflex tools, you offer an interesting solution to people seeking complementary natural care.

Dienchanly yours,
— The Dien Chan Experts Team —
International School of Multireflexology Dien Chan
Official website:

Reflex diagrams and bqc·point of Dien Chan

Multireflexology synchronism
By carefully exploring the relationships between sensitive reflex zones and consulting the sheets of the most responsive bqc·points, we gain inspiration to enrich our diagnosis.

Multireflexological synchronism is a reasoning unique to Dien Chan that encompasses different methodologies used to identify potential relationships that guide us to the origin of the disorder. In this approach, research is conducted by combining various reflex zones from reflex diagrams, consulting sheets related to particularly sensitive bqc·points, or sometimes observing the ineffectiveness of the initial choice between the yin or yang effect of the multireflex tool.

Our main goal is to restore energy balance and promote self-regulation by simultaneously acting on several reflex zones that correspond to various systems and organs of the body.

The approach aims to optimise care by working in a coordinated manner on several bqc·points, thereby creating a synergy of intervention for faster and more lasting positive reactions. Dien Chan, as a holistic approach, takes a global view of the body, considering the interconnections between its different parts. This promotes natural recovery by taking into consideration the entire complexity and interactions of the body system.

We resort to this type of reasoning when we want to deepen the healing process, especially when our results are stagnant and show no significant improvement.

Therefore, you must have a certain level of knowledge (at least having completed the third training module called DienChan❜clinic) to be able to quickly check correspondences that will lead us to a more obvious origin of the disorder.

After studying and understanding the reflex diagrams for identifying reflex zones, we can then incorporate the bqc·points formulas into our protocols to enrich our approach and reach the root of the dysfunction.

Obtaining such results are not limited to stimulating random points but requires judicious use of the yin or yang effects of multireflex tools.

The initial steps in Dien Chan care plan, namely the general assessment and reflex step, are essential to prepare the ground for rigorous and effective work.

We optimise our sessions by offering superior quality care to our clients.

It is crucial, therefore, to receive proper training and practice regularly to master the gestures and reap all the benefits.

This innovative therapeutic approach is modern in that it integrates different dimensions to achieve a global balance of the body.

Therefore, it’s in the “reflex” and “consolidation” stages of the treatment plan that we can make the most of the insights provided by multireflex synchronism. These stages open up new possibilities based on the gathered information. But before we delve into this concept, let’s revisit how to interpret each Dien Chan reflex diagram. To make it easier to understand, I’ll use two metaphors: the “sketch” and the “amphora.”

The sketch of a Road map

The first metaphor compares each Dien Chan reflex diagram to a rough map, similar to a coarse road map we used to draw before the arrival of GPS. These maps were not precise in terms of scale or distance, but they were useful for orientation.

We must approach the reflex diagrams in the same way, as approximate guides transposed onto each face and its specific characteristics.

It is essential to be able to project them mentally onto the person we are treating. This means that every time we draw on someone (or on their photoshopped portrait), it will only be accurate for that person and not for everyone.

That’s why we emphasise the exercise of mental projection in our training so that you can adapt to each client, as well as to yourself for self-care.

This approach may seem approximate to logical minds, but Dien Chan is not a surgical technique. Imprecision is actually necessary to discover painful points. If the sensitive point does not belong to the Dien Chan bqc·points map, it indicates that it is located in an area corresponding to a specific reflex diagram.

On the other hand, if we are convinced that it is a specific bqc·point, it is interesting to consult its complete sheet to establish cause-and-effect relationships. These “multireflexological bridges” encourage us to inquire about other possible dysfunctions.

Thus, the “facial reflex” stage of the care plan provides us with valuable clues to combine reflex diagrams. Once we have incorporated the “multireflexological dimension” of the method, Dien Chan truly invites us to become creators of custom care.

The bqc·points index cards are all available in the Dien Chan app called Faceasit.

The amphora metaphor

Before the advent of digital and virtual imaging, we used to contemplate solid restorations of archaeological pottery in museums.

Imagine a broken amphora discovered off the Mediterranean coast. Instead of showcasing the small fragments found in a display case, the amphora was reconstructed using plaster to complete the missing parts. This technique allowed us to appreciate the object in its original size and shape.

Some of the interpretations of Dien Chan reflex diagrams work in a similar way. The drawn parts of the diagram are based on clinical verifications, while the missing parts are assumed based on logic and anatomical coherence. This means that not all described areas are necessarily precise. Reflex diagrams guide us to find “open doors” receptive to yin work or yang stimulation.

To illustrate the concept, I choose the reflex diagram of the Blue Lady (also sometimes called Madame Yin) because it is sometimes a bit neglected by some students. This is a good opportunity to restore its brilliance!

• The Blue Lady’s feet extend the area of Mr. Yang’s feet on the chin.

• The Blue Lady’s thumbs rest on the wings of the nose (bqc·points 61·).

• The ring fingers point to the corners of the mouth.

• The pinky fingers are slightly lower towards bqc·points 85·.

• The Blue Lady’s mouth is located between the eyes, with her upper lip on the glabella.

• Her nose is on the first quarter of the forehead, which invites us to link it to the nape and Mr. Yang’s head.

• Her eyes are on the horizontal line that divides the forehead in two equal parts, vertically from the edge of the eyebrow arch (bqc·points 197·).

• Her head occupies the entire forehead.

Multireflexological synchrony

And since we have taken the example of the Blue Lady’s reflex diagram, let’s now examine some interesting multireflexological correspondences:

— The Blue Lady’s thumbs are on bqc·points 61·, which is known for its beneficial effects on the lungs. Moreover, it is fascinating to note that the Lung meridian also ends on our thumbs. The effects observed at bqc·point 61· are similar to those of 11L; an acupuncture point located at the angle of the thumb, regulating lung function.

— The Blue Lady’s ring finger rests on the corner of the mouth, precisely at bqc·points 29· and 222·. These points regulate not only the urinary system but also the Triple Heater meridian. In Dien Chan, we incorporate bqc·points 29· and 222· to refresh the body, just like in acupuncture with the 1TH and 2TH points of the Triple Heater meridian.

— The Blue Lady’s pinky finger is located in the reflex area of the small intestine according to the internal organ diagram. It is interesting to note that the Small Intestine meridian starts at the tip of the pinky finger.

— Bqc·points 197· are in the center of the Blue Lady’s eyes. These points are already used thanks to the “Penfield” reflex diagram to relieve knee pain. And we can define a multireflexological connection knowing that in acupuncture, the Stomach meridian passes through the knee and acts, among other things, on eye disorders.

Thus, we have the possibility not only of “verifying” the propositions of the diagram by confronting them with other recognised knowledge, but also of establishing coherence between the diagrams and the bqc·points.

Practicing Dien Chan is a unique way to make care enjoyable without headaches!

Instead of explaining these concepts in writing, why not illustrate them through this video? This would help you better understand these concepts and see them in action. This type of reasoning will allow you to develop custom formulas adapted to each situation.

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Dien Chan is a complex, but not complicated approach that requires proper training to unlock its potential. It’s essential to learn from talented and competent teachers to develop logical and inventive reasoning, enabling you to become creators of personalised care.

Remember that Dien Chan offers long-lasting results while providing a pleasant and soothing experience for your clients. Practice with passion and dedication, and you will witness the benefits of this therapeutic approach materialize.

By exploring and deepening your knowledge of reflex diagrams, using bqc·points formulas, and the appropriate multireflex tools, you will be able to provide effective care and become a proficient Dien Chan practitioner. Offer unparalleled well-being experiences to your clientele by fully utilising the training support materials we provide.

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— We also offer educational booklets and thematic kits.

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✔︎ Practice regularly with the appropriate multireflex tools and be amazed by the successes you will achieve. The complete catalog is available at

I wish all of you continued success in your journey of discovering and learning Dien Chan. Remember that this method is a true source of natural well-being and holistic balance. Feel free to refer to the available resources and videos to deepen your understanding and practice.
Good luck on your journey to better health and optimal well-being!